Dragon Con Media Relations

Dragon Con Online Media Application

Application deadline: August 15, 2025

Media credentials for entrance to Dragon Con 2025 are primarily given to representatives covering the show for bona fide news outlets. Before applying, be sure to first read over our credentialing requirements.

Please provide your current contact information should we need to contact you concerning your registration request.

  • Each reporter from your outlet will need to complete an individual media access form.
  • Each reporter must provide a personal, unique email and phone number. Multiple reporters with the same email address will be declined media access.
  • If you are attending as part of a team, please enter the total number of reporters applying for media access in "Total Reporters from My Outlet” field.
  • Each reporter from your outlet will need to complete an individual media access form.

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Note: Fields marked with an (*) are required.

Name (First*, MI, Last*):


City*: ,  State*:    Zip*:


Primary* Phone#:



Organization Representing*: Only one organization can be represented. Applications listing multiple outlets will be declined.


City: ,  State:    Zip:


Editor's Information

Name:     Phone#:


Media access is opened to reporters and photo journalists over the age of 17 who are on assignment from an established outlet. We do not provide media access to social media influencers unless invited by a Dragon Con director.

Type of Organization*:
Area of Coverage*:

Do you focus on a specific genre? (Star Wars, Comics, etc) :
I focus on one genre only. I do not do cross genre reporting:
Which genre? (List one):

Website Address:
Note: If you chose "Web" in the "Type of Organization" field, you must fill in a website address below.

How many unique viewers/listeners does the outlet have per month?

Dates of Assignment*:
 Thursday, 08/27/25
 Friday, 08/28/25
 Saturday, 08/29/25
 Sunday, 08/30/25
 Monday, 08/31/25

Total Reporters from My Outlet:
Enter a single number for the number of expected reporters for your outlet. Be aware that we do limit the number of reporters. Often smaller outlets requesting multiple reporters may find that only some of their reporters are approved. We will do our best to communicate with editors to determine the priority of reporters to be approved.

Additional Information:
Please provide any additional information not listed above that may help with the approval process.

Double check your application before you save it. Once you save this application, an email will be sent to you from mediarelations [at] dragoncon [dot] org, confirming the application was received.

By applying for media access for Dragon Con 2025, you agree to agree to receive emails from Dragon Con Media Relations until Dragon Con 2026.

Confirmation Code: Write down the below confirmation code and type it in the field below. The confirmation code includes all numbers, dashes, and letters in red.
  255543070403-MEDIA =>