To our 2014 Reporters and Photojournalists:
On behalf of our attendees, guests, staff, and volunteers, thank you putting Dragon Con on your events Calendar! We are excited about each and everyone one of you coming to Dragon Con this year. These updates will be sent out every Monday from now to August 25!
NOTE: You are getting this MASS MAILING because you have been approved for Media Access. If you are getting this and do not have an email stating you are approved, please let me know by sending me an email with your name and outlet in the SUBJECT.
This update covers a number of topics and I will try to be as brief as possible.
- Adding your pre-convention and at convention coverage for the Dragon Con Media Relations Audit
- Dragon Con Media Relations Podcast #3: What to see
- One Application for each reporter
- Past Updates
- Report Tours (Worth Repeating)
- Asking questions?
Reporters Can Now Add 2014 Coverage!
Your coverage of Dragon Con 2014 is appreciated! When you let us know what you have reported, we share your reporting with our extensive social media, where it will be again shared by the Dragon Con fan base! Additionally by completing this form and registering your coverage, we will be able to secure your position for Dragon Con 2015 by completing the Media Relations Audit step.
What do you need to do? Click on this link and complete the form for Dragon Con 2014 coverage reporting and we will take it from there!
Dragon Con Media Relations Podcast 3: What to See and Hear and Do (Story Ideas)
Two Dragon Con directors in one podcast! Greg Euston, Dragon Con’s Public Relations Director and Dan Carroll, Media Relations Director for Dragon Con, discuss Dragon Con tracks, the Dragon Con Parade, our amazing guest list and so much more to do at Dragon Con!
Please not that in the Dragon Con media access form, there is field for additional team members. Putting additional reporters’ names in this field does not mean the reporters have applied. The reporter will need to apply on their own. Please confirm that each of your reporters have applied individually. If you are a web based outlet you will not be allowed to apply for media access after August 15.
Past Updates
On behalf of our attendees, guests, staff, and volunteers, thank you putting Dragon Con on your events Calendar! We are excited about each and everyone one of you coming to Dragon Con this year. These updates will be sent out every Monday from now to August 25!
This update covers a number of topics and I will try to be as brief as possible.
- Podcast
- Picking up your badge
- Best sources of Information!
- Pub Crawl!
- Policy Clarification
Reporter Tours!
What is this about a pub crawl?Details are being worked out, but we will meet around 7:00 PM and we will tour portions of Dragon Con, while enjoying adult beverages. Reporters will be able to mingle with Dragon Con Directors and other reporters while Dan Carroll, Media Relations Direction for Dragon Con serves as your tour guide. This is our second year and last year turned into a blast. This is open to all reporters, friends, colleagues, and Dragon Con directors and volunteers are also invited. .
Is there a new reporter walk though? Yes!First and Second Year reporters at Dragon Con will be allowed to register for a more formal walk trough of Dragon Con. Sign up now!This doesn’t have to be your first year to participate, but if you are a veteran, we ask that you ask Dan Carroll for clearance to join the tour. We want to answer a lot of questions for new reporters.
Asking Questions
Please ask questions directly via email ( or via twitter (@DragonConMedia). We ask that you not use facebook to ask official questions of Dragon Con Media Relations staff or Dan Carroll. Facebook questions can be difficult to track and using email or twitter will provide you with the best tool. Plus, it will be easier to collate and catalog questions for future FAQs.
Urgent questions can use text or a direct phone call to Dan at 404-692-1958.
Here are some ways to get better and quicker answers:
- In email and text messages use your outlet name and your name.
- In email, we are able to respond quickest to emails that have the name and outlet as the subject, along with a word of two describing the issue. An example would be: “Seriously, Dan/Allison J. Swagger Registering additional reporters”
- In text a simple: This is Joe from The Wall Street Journal. Where do we get badges?”
- Emails about registration go to; all other inquiries go to
- Dragon Con is a volunteer activity, including the role of Media Relations Director. Dan and Samm both have full time jobs, but we are committed to responding without 1 business day of your contact.