Dan Carroll, Media Relations Director for Dragon Con and Media Relations Volunteer Nikki go on a safari at Dragon Con and find an artist from the Comics and Pop Art Alley and vendor from our dealers area. Each of them present a unique Dragon Con experience and talk to reporters about how to find good stories throughout Dragon Con. A special thanks to Jonathan Chaffin of Horror in Clay and Molly from O, Christmas Geek.

- https://www.horrorinclay.com
- https://www.facebook.com/HorrorInClay
- Twitter @CthulhuMug
- HorrorInClay G+
- Instagram @HorrorInClay
Molly from O Christmas Geek:
OCG is dedicated to the absolute best in holiday decor and Christmas tree ornaments for geeks. Each piece and item has been hand chosen and judged for quality.
- https://www.ochristmasgeek.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/OChristmasGeek?fref=ts
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