Welcome to the Dragon Con Media Relations Summer Update #1
Every year Dragon Con sends approved reporters periodic updates covering administrative guidance, links to find out more about Dragon Con, and a summary of latest press releases and podcasts. We anticipate this year a total of 10 Updates will be sent to approved reporters. The updates area also posted to the Dragon Con Media Relations Website (mediarelations.dragoncon.org).
Today’s summary includes:
- What is the best way to Contact Dragon Con Media Relations?
- Press Releases
- New Media Relations Podcasts for June
- Fan Tracks
- Guest Announcements
Click through for details.
What is the best way to Contact Dragon Con Media Relations?
Between now and August 28 email is the best way to contact either the Dragon Con Media Relations Team. This year the roles have changed a little, so use this chart to determine who to contact:
- Dan Carroll (dancarroll@dragoncon.org) is the Media Engagement Director and is the contact for information about the Convention itself, requesting spokesperson interviews, and ask questions about coverage and access.
- Samm Douglas (mediarelations@dragoncon.org) is the Media Relations Director and is the contact for registration, podcast space, questions about approval, or anything else involving the administrative processes.
- Erin Behnke (interviews@dragoncon.org) is the Interview Manager and handles questions about guest interviews including access to the web forms, processing requests, or any other question related to interviewing at Dragon Con.
Our standard is to respond to emails within 4-6 business hours.
Social Media is not a reliable tool for contacting Dragon Con Media Relations. But, we recommend all approved reporters follow us on:
- Twitter (@DragonConMedia)
The proper hashtag for this year is #dragoncon2019
Press Releases:
Press releases are formal documents that summarize exciting new things at Dragon Con for 2019. Feel free to share the information in these press releases with your followers.
ATLANTA – June 13, 2019 – Dragon Con, Atlanta’s internationally known pop culture, fantasy, sci-fi, and gaming convention, has selected American fantasy artist Julie Dillon and American fantasy and science fiction writer Brandon Sanderson and as its 2019 Artist and Literary Guests of Honor.
New Media Relations Podcasts For June:
To keep reporters informed on the ins and outs (as well as the DOs and DON’Ts) of Dragon Con, we produce podcasts that cover much of the information that reporters need to know about Dragon Con as well as a lot of information they don’t know they need to know.
DCMR Podcast 2 2019: Interviews and the Silk Road
This edition of the DCMR Podcast features Erin Behnke, the Dragon Con Interview Manager (interviews@dragoncon.org) and Beth Giles, the new Dragon Con Silk Road Director (silkroad@dragoncon.org).
- http://silkroad.dragoncon.org/
- Scheduling Interviews at Dragon Con
- Request to Interview Dragon Con Spokesperson/Directors
DCMR Podcast 1 2019: Registration
We are back with the Dragon Con Media Relations (DCMR) Podcast. This episode covers: The changing roles at Dragon Con Media Relations and common questions about Dragon Con Media Access
Fan Tracks
Fan tracks are a core element of Dragon Con. With over 35 unique fan tracks, Dragon Con is able to present discussions and presentations on a wide variety of topics from literature, Star Wars, and Star Trek to real life Space and Science. We are featuring a track or two each week, but links below will take you to the full list of Fan Tracks.
You can also ask to interview a fan track director before Dragon Con.
- Featured Track: Horror 2019
- Featured Track: Filk 2019
- Read the rest of this entry »
- Featured Tracks: Fantasy Literature & Science-Fiction Literature 2019
- Featured Track: BritTrack 2019
- Featured Track: Apocalypse Rising 2019
- Featured Tracks: Animation & Anime/Manga 2019
- Featured Track: Alternate and Historical Fiction Track
For more information
Request to Interview Fan Track Directors
Guest Announcements:
Dragon Con each year welcomes 400 guests! Guests are writers, actors, artists, game creators, experts or anyone else who has some amazing stories to share with their fans.
Each Week we feature groups of Featured Guests from TV and Film, literature, or comics. These links below give you access to the full guest lists and some of the guests we have highlighted. Remember the guest list grows often and is often filled with surprises!
Featured Guests from the Media Relations Website: