Plus 15 Things Media Relations Thinks You Should Know.
Thank you for joining us on this, the 9th and Penultimate Dragon Con Media Relations Podcast for 2019. This is our annual Reporters Strike Back edition of the podcast but first we have a quick run down of Fifteen things we in Media Relations think you need to know coming to Dragon Con 2019.
We are joined by: Chase Lawrence of Affliction Media Productions (, Jeff Leiboff of Radio Labyrinth (, and Kelly Adams of Big Shiny Robot ( and talk about reporting from Dragon Con from the reporters point of view.
Click through to read the 15 Things We Think Reporters should Know:
Number one: You pick up your badge at Dragon Con Media Relation’s office in The greenbriar room of the Hyatt Regency.
Two: If you arrive at a time when badge checks are in place to get into the hyatt…notify the security guard you are a reporter coming to get your badge and you should be able to get in. If you still have difficulty…then please call us at the Hyatt Regency (404) 577-1234
Three: We do not know those hours are they are determined By Dragon Con Safety and the hotel security staff. Were I a betting many, it will be after 12 noon Friday and Sunday, and after 9AM Saturday.
Four: coming to Dragon Con during the parade will require patience. Expect Delays.
Five: If you haven’t downloaded the Dragon Con App, please do so and learn all the capabilities of the APP…it’s a scheduler, a communications tools, a resource library and so much more.
Six: Parking can be secured before you come to Dragon Con using parking panda panda or park mobile. We strongly recommend the use of Marta. Find out more at:
Seven: Hotel rooms are available still! Yes, our host hotels famously sell out in a few minutes, but we have plenty of other partner hotels with space. Find out more at:
Eight: The Dragon Con Media Relations pub crawl is Wednesday night August 28 and starts at the 22 Stories restaurant in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency!
Nine: There are still spaces in the Dragon Con New Reporter walk through. Sign up!
Ten: The Reporter’s Corral for Dragon Con’s 2019 Parade is at the corner of Peachtree and Baker near the Hyatt Regency. You do not have to sign up, just show up! Please arrive between9:30 and 10 AM Saturday August 31, 2019.
Eleven: Non walk of Fame interviews are open until August 29: make your requests now!
Twelve: My interview schedule is filling up, but there is still time to talk to an official Dragon Con representative!
Thirteen: Podcasting space is available but going fast! Don’t miss out…reserve your time now:
Fourteen: We sincerely care about our reporters and photojournalists, so please for the love all things nerdy: hydrate during dragon con, get proper meals, and make sure you rest.
Fifteen: Remember that you will need share your coverage with Dragon Con before November to be invited back to Dragon Con 2020! A link will be available shortly.